Food Supplements: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

I recently read a very revealing article by L’Express (French Weekly Magazine) on food supplements. It only confirmed some of worries and I decided it might be a good idea to impart what I have come to know.
Now, I realize I’m in for a lot of flak from interested parties, but frankly speaking I don’t care a fig. This is big business here in Japan and probably more in the US and Europe, and so what?
It certainly promises me fun when I will field some queries/complaints! LOL

Some food supplements are definitel useful with some precautions and I call them “The Good”.
Others have never been categorically proven as beneficial to humans and are just a drain on resources and probably the best business of them all. Not dangerous but nearly useless. I call them “The Bad”.
The last category includes some food supplements that are downright dangerous and you are in for some surprises. The merit the name of “The Ugly”!

And a single piece of advice before we embark on the boat of discord: Food supplements shouldn’t be ingested as a “cocktail” but one at a time, and one at a day if feasible. That is unless you want some digestive disorders!



Vitamins D are vital for the health of bones (calcium regulation). A lack of it will result in rachitism in kids and osteoposis in old people.
They also influence on the immune defenses of the human body.
A regular exposure to sun will help the skin to synthethize it, even with only the hands and face exposed to the sun.
People who live a lot outdoors, eat red-fleshed fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardine, herring or marlin), dairy products or eggs do not need such a food supplement.
But vegetarians and vegans do need them.


These are contained in the fat acids called “essential acids” because vital to human life although the human organism is unable to synthesize them.
They are found in red-fleshed fish, but also in rapeseed plants, walnuts and whole wheat.
They are extremely beneficial to the heart, and brain articulations.
200 mg a day or 1.5 g a week should be enough. Fish oil tablets usually contain 100 to 400 mg. But compared to 1~2 g provided by 100g of mackerel, herring or even tinned sardine, they just don’t compete! 2~3 g of cod oil hold the same!
Vegetarians and vegans, do eat walnuts and other grains!


A lack of iron entails fatigue and repeptitive infections.
It can spell for a high risk of anemia.
Womn with high flow periods are at a risk as well as vegetarians/vegans, pregnant women and teenage girls.
Endurance sportsmen/women run the same risk.
You need a prescription for such supplementas an excess will result into intoxication.
Now Indian vegetarians have found the solution in dry grains such as lentils and dhal.
Fish, shellfish, some dry vegetables and green vegetables contain iron.
Iron supplement are also offered against fatigue, palpitations, as well as to improve children immune defenses and intellectual performances.


Originally from Asia, America and Siberia, this root is proposed to prevent cancer and treat diabetes.
As for improving sport performances, it is practically insignificant unless you you inject it into the body at very high doses (doping?).
On the other hand it does seem to protect against cancer, especially ovary and pancreas as well as glycemia.




Carnitine is an idispensisble molecule for sportsmen and obese people.
Producers aver that their carnitine supplements would augment usage of lipids with the dual benefit of improved stamina and loss of weight.
Bad luck: neither has been proved.
Even the organism of strict vegetarians produces enough of it!
As for prevention of Alzheimer syndrome and cardiovascular problems, that’s chalatans’ study!


Originally from Amazonia, it is offered to combat fatigue and improve sports performance.
Not better than coffeee! Actually 200 g of guarana contains 80 g of caffeine. If you already drink a lot of tea or coffee it can be only negative on your system: insomnia, palpitations, etc.
Its benefits have never been proven!


One of the spices found in curry powder mixes.
Offered to prevent Alzheimer syndrome or cancer, to treat hepapatitis C, hypercholesterolemia and to improve memory.
According to producers, it is efficient against Alzheimer syndrome and cancer tumors and others.
As far as cancer is concerend, the potential seems interesting. As for the rest, no exhaustive research has been conducted!




This blue algae found in rivers and lakes is cultivated for its proteins (70% of the dried extract).
It is rich in ironand zinc, elements often needed by vegetarians.
Also contains Vitamin B.
On the other it is poor in useful fats.
Anti-aging, slimming and anticholesterol properties are the talk of charlatans. Full stop.
Worde is that it will entail a loss of Vitamin B12 for vegetarians. Spirulina does contain some in great quantity, but it is inactive in the human system. Worse it is noxiou as it prevents the assimilation of human friendly Vitamin B12, which is present in the human system!


Present in meat, fish, eggs and cereals.
It is offered to cure anti-aging and prevent cancer and heart diseases.
Selenium is indispensible in small quantities. to paly a positive role against oxydizing stress.
Actually a well balanced diet will easily rplace it!
If you ingest more than 900 micrograms (yes, you read well!), nails will break, hair will split and skin will be weakened with consequent neurological alterations.
In animals it has been proven as cancerigenous!


Present in oranges, carrots and green vegetables.
Offered to cure anti aging and to prepare the skin againts sun exposure.
Once absorbed it becomes a beneficient Vitamin A.
Beta carotene contained in natural food is beneficient, but ineffective or even dangerous in artificial form, especially in supplements which contain far too much.
It is particularly dangerous for smokers who have a better chance to die form lung cancer when absorbing such supplements!
Just keep to the carrots and green vegetables!

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