Hamburger Restaurants


Service: easy-goin, smiling and very friendly
Facilities: old but clean
Prices: very reasonable, extremely good value.
Strong points: Enormous portions but very healthy slow food on the whole
no-smoking-logoentirely non-smoking!

Gonta Chaya (notice the no-smoking sign!)

This all started with an article posted by my new foodie friend at Local Lemons who wrote an article about the trouble she bumped into thanks to MacDonald’s who threatened to sue her for using the word “Mac” in the name of her new restaurant in SanFrancisco:
Read the article: The Restaurant Formerly Known as Little Mac (Subtitle: Eat mac and cheese. Screw McDonald’s. Get famous.)
She is looking for a new name, so please help her!
I proposed “Macadam Burgers”!

To state the obvious, the notorious diner, thanks to its untold wealth, is not only making a profit out of its dubious junk food, but is also suing (for money!) everyone in sight at the mere mention of the word “mac”. I wonder if all these friends of mine with a surname starting with mac or Mc will be one day forced to change it!

I do not like the burgers of that company for the simple reason that they are unworthy when it comes to nutritious value and health damage!

Unpretentious decor in Gonta Chaya. Keep to the taste!

Alright, let’s stop babbling about the horned liars and talk about real food, and slow at that!

Gonta Chaya (Manki Neko) was opened on April 15th, 2008 in Sengen Street, the thoroughfare leading to Sengen Shrine, the major Shinto Shrine in Shizuoka City. Husband and wife were originally born in Yamaguchi and Aichi Prefecture but moved to Shizuoka about 12 years ago.
They always had wanted to offer slow (and real) food and finally got their wish when they open Gonta Chaya in our city.
Not only they do greatly acre for good food, but also for their environment as they uncompromisingly banned smoking from their premices!

Have you heard of maneki Neko?

They started as a Taiwanese-Nagoya-style ramen restaurant but heir love for good meat and hamburgers incited them to add the American delicacy to their menu.
And they certainly haven’t achieved half-measures, and that with ridiculously cheap prices (count 90~95 yen for 1 US $/io% reduction for people over 60!):
Burger menu (ramen and others is another long and yummy propostion!):
Sengen Junior Burger: 350 yen
Sengen Burger: 500 yen
Sengen Double Burger: 700 yen
Sengen Triple Burger: 999 yen
Super Sengen Burger: 750 yen (drink included)
Super Sengen Burger Double: 1,100 yen ( ” )
Sengen Oyako Burger: 300 yen
Sengen Burger Set (Lunch only)

What did I choose!
The Super Sengen Burger!
An incredible half-pounder of Australian beef, not overcooked but slow-cooked (be patient!) to the perfect cripsy outside and juicy inside!
It is further enhanced with a crispy fried piece of bacon!

As for the Super Sengen, the buns are mercifully thinner but still home-made and toasted to a crisp bite.
You are going through a real maze of tastes thanks to sauces and dressings added in the right proportion.
Open/lift the bun, and you will discover a full meal with a load of fesh vegetables!

The cheese is real sliced cheese and the egg is fried to a juicy peak!
It is a full meal, I can’t guarantee you!
I forgot to to mention it was the first time I ate a hamburger in a restaurant for 15 years!

The place is open for lunch every day, but for dinner only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
They offer plenty to drink from Shizuoka Sake, Shizuoka Tea Shochu, Shochu, German and japanese beer, wine and soft drinks.

They also can lodge foreign backpackers for a good price in their home above the restaurant! Will write an article about that son!

Are you convinced?

(Maneki Neko) Gota Chaya
Shizuoka City, Aoi Ku, Baban-cho, 117-1 (just past the big red Torii Gate at the entrance of Sengen Street
Tel.: 054-254-2701
Business hours: 11:00~14:30, and dinner on Tuesdays and Thursdays

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