(ENGLISH CAPTIONS/FRENCH) Portraits of Shizuoka #4/PART 2

Bonjour à tous ! Do not forget the captions ! Today is the part 2 of our short video/documentary about Roger Voltz, Martial Arts Specialist and Noh Masks Carver. This video focus on two points. 1: More explanations about how Roger became a Noh Masks Carver 2: Deeper explantions about the process to make a Noh mask, and how we use them in Noh theater universe. We will soon release the third part, talking more about the making of the mask itself. Enjoy this short movie !

Portraits of Shizuoka #4/PART 1: (ENGLISH CAPTIONS/FRENCH)

Greetings everyone !

Do not forget to activate the captions

. Today is the part 1 of our short video/documentary about Roger Voltz, Martial Arts Specialist and Noh Masks Carver. This video focus on two points.

1: The legend of Hagoromo, taking place in Miho No Matsubara which was registered as a part of Mt. Fuji’s world heritage site in June of 2013. 2: A short introduction of Roger Voltz, how he made is way to Japan and his particular relationship with Martial Arts and Noh Masks. The Second point will be developed in the next video that will be released soon

. The third video Roger will go further into the masks creation process. Stay in tune !

Great Pizza after a strollin at La Papi‐ge(ラ パピージェ) 藤枝 蓮華寺/


Today I decided it was time to take all my courage to go out for a small walk in Renge -ji, Fujieda.

Renge-ji is is a haven of peace in Fujieda city. Since the last years it got a lot of construction works within its compound : A more wide strolling alley, a shared place for small restaurants owners, more big toboggans !

Well today is not the day for talking about Renge-ji but do not forget to come there in any seasons, you may see cherry blossoms, wisterias, autumn colors and fantastic lotus flowers.

One may take care also about the giant hornets !

LA PAPI‐GE(ラ パピージェ) 藤枝 蓮華寺 is hard to miss, as it has a wide roof dominating the intersection of two roads. The italian(hish) colors may also giving you some clue about its position ! Not so far from the Starbucks, which is also close to the huge parking space for cars.

I didn’t had time to eat slowly in the restaurant, so I choosed the take out option.

I threw myself into two pizzas : The fungi Panna Cotto mais. Do not be surprised I ordered 2 pizzas, as I shared it with my family, the new years holidays did enough damages to my belly to not try to involve it in more unnecessary feast.

The pizza menu

Menu of the day

It should also be noted that in Japan at contrary than in France, where I am from and contrary in a lot of other countries, the japanese pizzas are pretty small. I never went to Italy but it is said that it is more close to what the traditionnal pizza is.

The prices are the following :

1060 yens for the Fongi,

1180 for the Panna Cotto Mais

The Fongi

For this one I was not sure about how much I could get satisfied with it, as it seemed to have few toppings on it. I was impressed by the perfect balance between the oignons, mushrooms and the really tasty tomato sauce.

The pizza dough was thin enough to not steal the taste of all the toppings and each mushroom was crunchy enough to give you the feeling that these few toppings will satisfy your stomach and have a mouth full of ingredients every time.

The Panna Cotto Mais

This one really impressed me by the basil taste reaching instantly once you put it on your taste buds. There was few basil leaves on this one but I could fin out there potential was fully used. A technical feat considering it is the winter season !

The cheese was also tasty and the combination of the basil, oil, and cheese is in the mouth was really fulfilling.

I would suggest to go there and have a cup of red wine to enjoy at its maximum the richness of the aroma of theses pizzas.

Note that I choosed the take out menu so my pizzas where cold. I guess the hot ones are really a treat. I totally recommend this place which is also widely recommended by the local people of shizuoka prefecture.

It warmly recommend as the prices are also under average for this quality of pizzas.

1 Chome-2-19 Nyakuoji, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0014 or 〒426-0014 静岡県藤枝市若王子1丁目2−19

Open for lunch and diner !

I suggest to make a booking as the place maybe crowded due to the popularity of the park.

[French/Japanese] Portraits de Shizuoka #3: Aizome, teinture à l’indigo

Bonjour à tous ! Aujourd’hui nous vous présentons un atelier de teinture à l’Indigo à Shizuoka, depuis 8 générations.

Nous croyons qu’avec le virus, il est important de se focaliser sur la région qui nous héberge et n’avons pas la prétention d’en connaître encore toutes les richesses et espérons que vous pourrez en profiter avec nous…derrière votre écran ou un jour sur place ! Il est nécessaire de respecter la vie privée et le travail des gens à qui nous faisons appel, qui sont pour beaucoup des amis/connaissances. Si vous désirez rentrer en contact avec eux merci de passer par nous. Nous sommes spécialisés sur Shizuoka, et y vivons pour certains depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années. La gastronomie locale est un de nos axes principaux, merci de vous reporter aux pages suivantes pour suivre nos articles :

https://shizuokagourmet.com/ (Français/Anglais) https://saveursdujapon.me/ (Français) https://www.facebook.com/Japanecdote/

Inutile de préciser que la vidéo est la propriété de notre chaîne 🙂 Nous espérons que cela vous plaira et attendons tous vos commentaires. Merci à vous.

[English/Japanese] Portraits of Shizuoka #3 : Aizome, Indigo Dyeing

Greetings everyone Today we will talk about the Shizuoka traditionnal dyeing : Aizome

It is of utmost importance to respect the private life and work of the people we introduce, many of whom are friends/personal acquaintances. If you wish to contact them we would be most grateful that you proceed through us first.

We specialize in Shizuoka where we have lived tens of years. The local gastronomy is one of our main focuses. We invite you to peruse the following sites to follow our reports:

https://shizuokagourmet.com/ (French/English) https://saveursdujapon.me/ (French) https://www.facebook.com/Japanecdote

e kindly remind you that this video is our sole property. We believe that because of the Covid 19 it is important to focus on our particular region which has welcomed us along the years but we do not pretend to know all its richness yet and hope you will discover and enjoy them together with us… in front of your screen or one day on site! Our most sincere thanks to you and them all!